Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I've had all I can stand, I can't stands no more!

Me, yesterday. No matter which way I turned, what I typed, who I talked to on the phone – each/all contributed to the day “going South.” My already red-face just got redder and redder. Inwardly, I wanted to blurt “AHHHHHHHHHHHHH… ENOUGHHHHHHHHH”… I simply wasn’t happy. “S” was happening, and I let it get the besta me. Me no happy camper. Me like camping, why no happy? No, no, no – don’t mean “what led to this” (me no happy), I mean “why do I allow this” (me no happy)….

So………… this morning I decided to Google “How to be happy.”

Ok, the all-powerful Wiki (the Funk and Wagnall of the modern ilk), tells me “Step 1, be optimistic…. Let go of the assumption that the world is against you, or that you were born with a gray cloud over your head.” (They even had a picture of a half full glass. Yippee, and my catch phrase has always been “it’s neither, the bastard leaks.”)

Yeah, yeah, Ok. “Be optimistic.” I do remember seeing the billboard this morning in commute that the Powerball is up to $37 million… that what you mean?

“How to be laid back.” I’ve been accused of being that. Prolly my slow work habits, mebbe even ‘cause the collars on my shirt never look the same on each side, there’s usually 5 McDonalds sacks on my car floorboard, I dunno.. Wiki says “slow down… do one thing at a time.. stop being a perfectionist.. focus on what you have, not what you have to do.” Hmmm… K. I am NOT gonna think about you, you 67 unread emails in my work inbox… rather.. I’m gonna smile, focus on the $127.42 my bank website tells me I have until payday, and the three slices of bread left atop the fridge. Wik, you da man.

“Live in the moment… take notice of the world around you.. focus on whatever you’re doing.. smile when you wake up.. commit random, spontaneous acts of kindness. be thankful for ‘what is’..” Yeah yeah, k. Tried it this morning, first thing. Smiled. Then looked at BR mirror. Holy shit. As a random act of kindness, I dampened my hair, kinda sorta got it back in place. I’m getting there yeah? Soon, I’ll be happy.

“Follow your gut.” No problem there. As most 50-something men, mine too kinda projects out there a bit. I’m always following it. “Make enough money to meet your basic needs.” Wiki, you’re pissing me off now, I WANT HAPPY. I’M A PEOPLE PERSON FOR BEHOOGETY SAKES!! Ok, so I’ll get a 2nd job. Welcome to Hardees, may I take your order?

“Find happiness in the job you have now.” We’re back to where all this started. I let ma job get the besta me yesterday. I am thankful for my job, and I do LIKE my job. I just slipped yesterday. Happens. Not good, but happens.

“Smile…Science suggests that when you smile, whether you feel happy or not, your mood will be elevated. So smile all the time!”

Ok, Ok, I did learn a bit Wik’, thanks. (And…… before Googling alla the above crap Wiki spieled out, I went to my local hangout after work yesterday. I coulda saved a whole lotta typing if I’da just suggested “Four beers.” Four beers worked wonders. I was optimistic. Laid back. Living the moment. Following (and filling) my gut. And smiling…… So, I guess, if I’m recommending anything here, you can write down alla Wik’s suggestions on a tablet, keep tablet within reach at all times… or simply remember, four beers.

Love, hiccup, Victurd

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