Monday, November 02, 2009

Content with content….

Huh? The hell’s he talking about……

Content, emphasis on the first syllable. It’s what we’re made up of. It’s the ‘insideda us’. You know, we’ve heard of some that are “fulla shit.”… whilst others.. “filled with a good heart.”..

“Liar there.” “Controller.” “Cheater.” “BS’er.” “Gossiper.”  that a word? It’s our makeup, what we bring to the table.. Seeing what’s in there as if we’re transparent.

Had a buddy in college.. Normal, average size Joe. Maybe 6’1”, 215 lbs. Played defensive end. Did things that a person of his stature shouldn’ta oughta been able to do. He’d somehow make his way around 275 lb tackles and sack the quarterback 2 to 3 times a game.

Coach asked him one day “what makes you tick?”… His content, of course. Heart, desire, want…

Somea us, our content is all about our surroundings….. “He’s all work.” “She’s all play.” “Absorbed in motherhood (fatherhood.).. “Alchy.” “Thrives playing ‘aint-it-awful?’.”…

Content – it’s our do, our what, our brain, our path, our everything.

Content – emphasis on the second syllable – now that’s a different puppy. Content is associated with happiness, proud of job done. Enjoying life and the goings-on around. “Doesn’t take much, I’m happy.” “I’ve got my mansion in Mission Hills, my Benz’, my groundskeeper, my maid – life is good.”

“This marriage rocks, I’m content.” “It ain’t the best job in the world, won’t ever be rich, but I love what I do and who I do it with… yeah, I’m content.”

Of course we all know the alter ego – Mal. Malcontent. That’s a story for another day. Seems some, no matter what – simply won’t allow themselves to be content. Wickedly, weirdly, choosing to ‘enjoy’ the struggle of life, mire in it.

Victor, howinthehell, whyinthehell this topic?

I’m on this goofy dating site. (Victor, you’ve been there for like forever – the hell is the holdup?). Bite me, story for another day. Anyways, this lady, an ENGLISH teacher wrote me and said “I checked out your blog. You write better than most--and that is a compliment.”.. AN ENGLISH TEACHER! I was content, happy.

So, me of butchered tongue – wrote back “Hey, an ENGLISH teacher complimenting my horribly grammatical work? THANKS!......”

To which she replied “I didn't comment on the mechanics--just the content. (Grin.)”

So I did………. grin. Thanks teacher lady, content with my content. Made my day. Now, if I could just twist, spin, turn, adjust, realign, shakeup, settle-down, get back-in-the-flow, see the glass as half full and not “the bastard leaks”… I think I’d be really content.

Nonetheless, content she liked my content. Later. Hope you’re contented. Love, Victurd.

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