Monday, November 23, 2009


Quoting Wiki….”Confidence can be a self-fulfilling prophecy as those without it may fail or not try because they lack it and those with it may succeed because they have it rather than because of an innate ability.”

Back to the mole game. You know. Chucky Cheese. The game with 30 holes, and you got this mallet, and the moles surface from who-knows-which hole, and you bash the hell outta ‘em.

Sometimes I feel like a nut.. . ahm,no, that ain’t it. Sometimes I feel like a mole (yeah, yeah, yeah), sometimes I don’t.

Like dating.. or, like”‘not dating” because I’ve been thru periods where I have simply taken too many blows from that mallet, why even bother?

Then……… sunsabitches… gotta remember ‘counterclockwise’, so get your sorry mole ass out there.

Arrogance. I’ve never understood why the opposite sex (both female and male) seem to not be perturbed by arrogance. Wiki be sayin’ “arrogance is having unmerited confidence--believing something or someone is capable or correct when they are not.” I go to this goofy single’s chat site – and see arrogance daily. I wanna upchuck, others simply giggle. Patooey. Seems the arrogant ones, feel the need to diss others, perhaps to uplift, “justify” their own self/arrogance.

Victor…. the hell you going with this? Ain’t sure. I spose I’m confused, confounded at my present state of confidence… Do you feel your two past marriages helped bring you to this point? Bear/woods.

Have you demonstrated a history of perhaps getting your feelings hurt a little too easily. NO! WHOINTHEHELL TOLD YOU THAT?!!.. ahm, ok, mebbe. Bite me.

Frame. I love to frame shit. You know, like observe a co-worker, their heart, their strengths, their love for life – and somehow wrap it all up (frame it) with a statement that hopefully places them on Cloud 9. And, fortunately, I’ve been on the receiving end from others similarly – and it’s SUCH a good feel. Boosts confidence.

Deja vu. Déjà vu kills confidence like Raid kills ants. Echo. Resounding. Mebbe, wearing heart on sleeve, I let past shit said to me resonate for’er and for’er. Statements winged during little “Agree to disagree” spats. Embedded. They become embedded. Fast forward each – to today. Been here before. Déjà vu. “”Confidence can be a self-fulfilling prophecy as those without it may fail or not try.”

I likes my brain. I know it ain’t $$ smart, but I do ok. I likes my looks ok. I know I ain’t George Clooney, but I ain’t Lyle Lovette neither. I’ve demonstrated some athletic ability in the past (Victor, who cares?).. I whistle. I smile. I’d like to think I make the day better, funner, for those around me.

Sometimes I feel like a nut… yeah yeah yeah…… Sometimes I feel like a mole…. yeah yeah yeah… sometimes I don’t.

By Henry Gibson. Love, Victurd. (I know, didn’t make sense to me either….. kinda)

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