Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wonder what I’d do.

If God somehow tapped you on the shoulder and said, “say… sorry to announce, but today your last day on the planet.”

Hmmm. I’d find my son, hug him. I’d see family. I’d pet my pets. I’d have a 300 burger from the bowling alley. I’d visit my mother’s, father’s and sister’s gravesite.

I’d park at the City Park and remember all the times.

I’d go to the library and find an ole’ Joe McGuff article. I’d search the internet to watch George Brett’s swing. I’d peruse microfish to see the paper the day after the Chief’s won the Super Bowl.

I’d put on the goofy homemade shirt I wore to the 1985 World Series between St. Louie and the Royals.. (Hand-scribbled picture of the State of Missouri.. “May the West team win”.)

I’d have a vanilla ice cream cone. I’d go buy a pay as you go cell phone. VICTOR? You don’t have a cell phone? Nope, sorry, don’t. Years ago did have a bag phone when we had small delivery company, so color me “country, when country wasn’t cool.”… and with this new cell phone I’d call anyone and everyone I’ve ever loved – platonically or “Oh baby”-wise, and again tell ‘em I love ‘em.

I’d blog – to you, ‘cause I’m so thankful for each and every time I peek and someone has actually viewed this page.

I’d run a lap around the High School track. I’d take a walk around the Square – up to the College, back toward the old High School to admire all the old houses that are the foundation of Liberty, my home. I’d grasp the vibrant colors of the flowers…

I’d sit in the sauna, the Jacuzzi. I’d find a mirror and smile.

I’d spend awhile on YouTube watching/listening to Fleetwood, Louie Armstrong, Pink Floyd, Ray Charles…..

I’d find a rope and jump it. I’d park outsidea the home I grew up in and look back, thankfully of how lucky I was to have landed where I did, when I did, and with who I did.

I’d cry. Happy cry. I’d wing emails to every damn addy I can remember. I don’t think I’d share with anyone I was keeling – but I might harken up one or two emails that say “hi… I’m dying tonight.. it’s ok.. just wanted u to know I always wanted to doink you..” Hehe. Oh don’t give me shit, you’ve been there too!

I’d go to the airport and watch planes takeoff and land – remember all the good times, good friends from my “airport days”… I’d go the batting cages just to hit a few line drives..

I’d go to the driving range to really let loose on a few… I’d look thru old pictures, watch some old video tapes.. I’d find the mirror again, smile, remember how lucky I’ve been.

I might take off running… u know… like Forrest did… Stupid is as stupid does… trying to compile as much visual, mental, emotional happiness as I could in a short time. Then,

I’d stop and have a cig (I know, that stuff’ll killya.).. Then I’d have another cig. Then I’d search and find a cold Michelob. The hell happened to Michelob? I know the Belgium folks bought out Anheiser, tis cool – I love all people.

I’d take out whateverinthehell I had in the bank… drive to downtown KC.. search under bridges, at bus stop shelters – find homeless folks and dish out the stash…

I’d do an Arthur Bryant’s BBQ sandwich, and delight in watching how mucha that crap the guy puts in his hand as he slaps it on the bread…

I’d tell my best friend Sanford “thanks for being my best friend.” I’d go find Roger Craven (guy that was a senior when I was a freshman, he pulled a knife on me on the 3rd floor hallway) and I’d say “you know… you’re an asshole.”

I’d go to work, hug ‘em all.. tell ‘em “yeah, I’m taking a personal day.” Not vacation – a personal day.

I’d find a shade tree… plop my size 36 down.. close my eyes and visualize the years, the times, the friends, the situations, the fun.

I’d thank the Lord, even though he’s pulling the plug – it’s been a joyous ride. Fantastic. Vibrant. Uh huh, sometimes a rollercoaster, but still, one helluva ride.

If I truly ever was told “you’re dying.. today is your last day” I’d really be Ok, for I’ve loved this life. That’s what I’d do. If you were given that one day “bucket list” opportunity, what’d u do?

Had another thought.. Had to "edit" this. Whilst I don't recommend daily doing all that crap (the Michelob, the 300 burger, etc).. After I hit "publish post" it dawned on me - wouldn't it be nice to 'take on' every day as if it were your last? You'd forget the anal, and focus on the good. The love. The yeah baby. I'm gonna try. Remind me if I forget.

Love, Victurd.

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