Sunday, May 08, 2011


Moms hold their breath when YOU cough and don’t let the air out until they’re assured you’ve taken your next breath in.

Moms carry you between their hips for nine months - and then several years after on their hip.

All salesperson's should be a mom, for there is no close match to the empathy they exhibit.

Those first few comfy words from mom, be they in person, by phone or by note - work wonders in calming whatever life’s present woe has lent.

Moms spend but few hours physically delivering one - but a lifetime thereafter delivering love, care, concern.

Moms have an unrivaled resume’: Doctor, chef, psychologist, chauffeur, inventory assistant, personal shopper, “alarm clock”, time management director, peace officer, very fair judge, teacher, advisor, sound (volume) control department, impartial referee, “upright” instructor (both to our physical being and our mental being), bicycle instructor, driver’s training, homework advisor (ne’er giving answer - but assisting in guiding to answer), ‘probation’ officer, climate control, Rand McNally Chief, appointment reminder, moralist, the list could continue into infinity.

This message will self destruct in two minutes. (We men/Dads would be very, very, very lost if it were not for moms. You are the GPS to our existence. You are so, so much more than ‘a person having a baby’. Moms rule, dads drool... Self destructing now, Happy Mother’s Day to all moms.) Love, Victurd.

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