Monday, May 04, 2020

It's bad you know....

Color me a simpleton, but if you ever want rhythm, beat-inducing, dance-invoking music, take a listen to RL Burnside's "It's Bad You Know."  It's kinda nonsensical, but sometimes, ain't life?

In our lifetime, I don't think it's ever been worse.  Division.  This side. That side.  Half-truths like "they wouldn't vote to approve this, so now, the nuns will run outta food by late June." Like Herpes, that's passed on, and on, and on...  The hatrid builds.  People dig in, diss each Party leader. Tensions are at an all-time high, or, low, 'pending on howya look at it.

Skirmishes are happening with more an more frequency.  Cops with shields.  Tear gas sprayed about, simulating a water hose on a dogfight.  The struggle, division, is real.  It's bad you know.


But...   Victor, we've told you 99 times you can't start a sentence with "But".  Oh yeah?  Well watch me.  I remember the time you told me I couldn't start a sentence with "I is", I voted to hell with you and wrote "I is the 9th letter of the alphabet, kiss my laptop."


But... . once upon a time..  one era, at band camp..  Twas the night before something....  THINGS WERE WORSE.  Or, at least this bad - even with the pandemic cherry-on-top.

Dexter was the biggest, baddest of all. He was from the East side, or, red, or blue, however you wanna perceive it.  When he walked, folks got outta his way. Followers jumped in behind him, almost like baby ducklings..  There were no walls in these days, no social distancing, no stay at home edicts, no cops with shields or spray..... Gated communities, back then, were like today, rare and only for the extremely fortunate.

Dexter and his 'pack', would gallivant around town, looking for a skirmish, a melee, a battle..  There was no Facebook back then, but oh how were they socially vocal.  So much so, it was painful to the ears, and no matter how one rotated the antenna, you still couldn't hear the whistle theme to Andy Griffith.

Rufas lived on the West side, or blue, or red, whichever, I forget. He too had his pack of hard guys.  The land had become so divisive, it was like what you read about The Wild, Wild, West.  Battles were frequent, beyond mere vocal argument, fights, literal pulling, tugging, pushing, jumping atop, hitting, biting - bullying was frequent.  Ten would take on two from the other side. Bystanders would run, preferring to keep their little booties safe, out of it. 'Independents', so to speak.

This hatred, spite, no holds barred, reached a pinnacle.  Community forums were held.  This side wanted tighter rules, bigger penalties.  The other side said stay the hell out of it, we want freedom for all.

So it continued.  Dexter's Charlie, Vinny, Jake and Carlos, traveled over a mile to WWF-like beat the hell outta Rufas's 'soldiers' Ralph, George, Sam and Oliver.

Paybacks are hell, karma is a bitch - the following day Rufus himself showed up, along with patrons Maggie, Fred, Walter and Alvin -- the battle ensued, Dexter's Charlie had to go to the doc to get stitched up... Vinny lost three teeth..and it got worse, Carlos actually expired from his injuries and a burial was held.

The Comnunity, pins and needles.  Forum after forum, unfortunately met by rally after rally.  Fierce, fast pace battles continued.  Tug-of-wars.  Streets, alleys, garages, ballfields - viciousness continued.  Where is our savior?  Have we lost our sanity?  How did we get here and howthehell do we go back to peacetime?  Messiah?  You out there?

At long last, legislation happened. The two sides agreed. Bipartisanship happened.



The Leash Law was put into effect.  Dexter's master secured the chainlink fence in back - and he lived to a ripe old age.  Rufus slept inside in the kid's bed, became docile, and even behaved himself at the doggy park, where the leash law was temporarily lifted within the fenceline.  He once even wagged his tail at Vinny and Jake, former Dexter stoolies, even shared a water bowl.  Owners were astonished.

Back to today.  2020.  Facebook is afire with alley, garage, ballfield skirmishes.  Thank heaven the battles are only virtual. Loud, evil, pent up anger unleashed. Throwing water on it would only cause electrical malady.

We need a forum, or ten. A savior.  A messiah.  Bipartisanship. Socially, Valium  for all?  Or, mebbe a leash law?

May the 4th be with you,

Love, Victurd

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