Thursday, February 06, 2020

Now what?

Mercy me....

The anticipation.  The preparation. The waiting, and s'more waiting.

Twas like a wedding.  Two weeks of 'photographs', and hunnerd kajillion pictures that some will look at once, the two of you mebbe a hunnerd times.  Then, the wedding itself.

Ring Bearer, Flower Girl... The tots in Mahomes, Kelce, Hill, Mahieu jerseys...  The newborns in KC Chiefs Onesie-regalia....

Debit, Credit cards used, maxed out by many to get the latest popular threads.  Ya don't wanna go to see the wedding (game) in an outfit (shirt) from 2012 do ya?

Pomp and Circumstance..  Groomsmen, Bridesmaids ushered in..(Players thru the tunnel).. Kickoffs, screens, runs up the middle, RPO's..  The Preacher man (Commentator(s)...

Half-time..  Singing, there's gotta be singing in a wedding (game.)

Finally then, the Commentator (preacher man) pronounces you Man and Wife (Super Bowl Champions of the World)..     "I do" akin to "We Are". Kissing. Turn to face the crowd (camera).. S'more kissing, and hugging.

Glee.  Bliss.  More pics. S'more hugging.

The reception (parade).  Alcohol flowed freely.  Couples were coupled.  The stars of the wedding (game/season) were applauded. Confetti.

People acted a fool, like... like the 'plumber' that climbed the tree.  People shooting beers, pouring champagne down the mouths of others.  Dancing, there's got to be dancing.  Laughter, applause, at-a-boys. Happy abounds. Congrats too.

Integral parties taking turns at the microphone, easy to grasp some with no speech preparation, but all heartfelt and sincere.

We go home.  We collapse.  We sleep hella good.  All the worry, "this will go wrong..that will happen" wiped away by a beautiful wedding (game.)  That stress ache in your neck will lessen and lessen in the coming days.

Monogrammed napkins (game report newspapers, pennants, etc) stowed away to one day rehash, relive the experience.

Now what?  We have been immersed in this wedding (game) for quite some time now.  Kinda forget what regular ole regular is.  Back in the swing of things, if I can remember what that is.

Life, gloriously, rolls on.  Soon, robins will come to see us here in the Midwest.  The color theme changes from "Red" to green.  Shorts. Dig out those shorts. Put the long sleeves in the extra bedroom closet - we're moving on baby.

Baseball Ray.  Oh boy oh boy oh boy!  Mebbe 162 days (games) until another beautiful wedding?

50 years was a long time, kinda.  The brain mebbe thinks along the same lines, the body performs not-so-much, a little more difficult to matriculate down the field now

Blessed thou - we've been blessed.  Blessed too that the youth of today have witnessed these moments so they too can one day share with their children.

O'er the land of the free and the Mahomes of the CHIEFS!!

Oh yeah, I just remembered what regular ole regular, the swing of things is:  I'm gonna take a nap!

Love, Victurd

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