Wednesday, May 24, 2017

It's only words...

The below is nonsensical, mostly Googled, copied/pasted. Forgive me father for I have plagiarized.

Six words that can ruin your sentence: “Obviously, like, honestly, basically, literally, actually.”

Actually, like obviously I basically disagree, honestly.

Microsoft Word – a blank page to ‘draw’ on.

Four letter word – always think of George Carlin.

Buzz word. Fidget spinner I guess, maybe “45”, and sadly, ISIS.

Man of a few words – the hell is he/she thinkin’?

Then, there is the "can't get a word in edgewise." Been there, frustrated through that.

A-well everybody's heard about the bird
Bird bird bird, b-bird's the word

A kind word – GOES A LONG, LONG WAY.

A dirty word – “I’m tellin’ “.. locker room talk.. women talk ‘tee hee hee hee”

A war of words – been there, ‘fought’ that. Words can hurt. Some, forever etched in our minds. Hard to let go. Like a knife stuck in a wooden fence, taken out, there is a scar still there.

I think we should adopt basketball’s ‘3 second’ rule when verbalizing words. If only we all would stop, take 3 seconds to think before replying, speaking – the world would be a more peaceful, happier place.

By word of mouth. At a loss for words. Eat one’s words. A play on words. Famous last words. Beyond words. Fighting words. I’d like a word with you.

Baby’s first word, the race is on… is it “Mama?”… “Dada?”… or “boob?” – ha.
Those first months, mebbe couple of years with a kid – you can basically (oops, sorry) use/say any word you want without fear of the little one understanding. Then, maybe year three you hear the snotnose retort “WELL SHIT”. You asked for it, you got it, Toyota. Watch your mouth, your words. (You/me AND the kid.)

Had words. A word to the wise. Mark my word. Have a way with words. Word gets around.

“Use magic words like Thank you, I’m sorry, please, with all we interact, these words have a healing effect.” Malika E. Nura (Words of wisdom)

It's only words
And words are all I have
To take your heart away.

Some simply answer “WORD”..

I love the mystique of words. Words do make the world go round. Sometimes, unsaid words work. A buddy of mine related once he allowed a ground ball to go between his legs – and a game was lost. On the way home, ne’er a word from dad. I knew the man, he rocked. Unsaid words can be beautiful.

Look, I got the last word. Rarely happens to us men. Love, Victurd.

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