Saturday, March 04, 2017

Things I’ve learned from Facebook

Insomnia happens. To many. Often.

I remember some people that don’t remember me. Some people remember me and I don’t remember them.

Smoe people can’t splel.

Memes are funny, sometimes mean – often ‘speak’ for the poster.

Been long time since I remember seeing sheets on a clothesline. Sometimes dirty laundry here.

Alcohol happens and a card laid is a card played.

Weather sucks. Weather is wonderful. Texans and Floridians seem to be the proudest (and that’s cool). Liberty-ites are the most loyal, and never ‘leave’ no matter how faraway they live.

I see people share memories from years past – and sometimes within those memories are comments from people who are no longer here. I dunno if this is possible (but it’s happened to me) – I can smile and cry at the same time. I get the maddest at myself in these moments though – as I call myself an idiot for forgetting to (or maybe even never) tell someone “Hey, I really enjoy you.”

Those that ain’t never hit a deer, gone on a job interview, paid a bill, voted, ie, young folks, rock. They are gorgeous, loved, mostly fearless, ne’er depressed, live for fun, smiling – all’a that equates to: we should learn from them, not the other way around.

Clowns to the “left” of me, jokers to the “right” and there ain’t nobody stuck in the middle. (Victor, that’s a double negative… Uh huh, ‘tis).. Grass may be greener but no one ever jumps the fence. Whilst there are never cams on, it’s not hard to tell when one is blue in the face.

Kids remember teachers. More of us than of them. Remarkably, teachers remember kids.

A common theme is laughter.

A common thread can be family, school, work, town, neighbors, or, even a simple past place and time.

Like is good, love – even better. Emoticons interesting.

Some (of us) live here, some pass thru weekly, monthly, even yearly.

Keyboards are like mouths. The mouth and the send button are kinda similar. “I wish I hadn’t.” Yes, you can go back, delete the sent stuff on FB, but many have probably already witnessed one's skid marks.

Kinda like life, there are many one track minds: politics, sports (teams), babies, bikes, travel, cooking, religion, etc., and humor.

Some have more friends than others – and can maybe be proud of that. Some have a relatively few – and can be/are relatively happy about that.

Us old people can learn new abbreviations, smh, idk, L8R, nvm, myob, xoxoxo, jk, already knew that one.

Loyalty is huge.

Sometimes I back click one too many times and gotta go back thru all the damn ones u just read to get to where you were.

People can speak up (and speak up and speak up). It’s pretty impactive when you see/read a comment from one that rarely posts/comments.

Sadness, loss, physical ailment happens – and it’s a pretty damn fine network of support, well wishing, prayer.

FB, my take. Happy future posting, liking, loving, scrolling, enjoying, emoting. Victurd

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