Sunday, January 25, 2015


Things I've always wondered...

Some plagiarized.

Do they take coffee breaks at the Lipton plant?

Are family arguments ever solved on Facebook? Political?

Why do people sneeze when looking at a bright light?

Why does one get exhausted during the day, yet lay in bed wide awake at night?

Why don't men 'pee a bit' when they laugh really hard?

If two people do something considered naughty, but it's consensual, would it still be deemed naughty?

If you pull the wings off of a fly, is it then called a walk?

Why don't people that are notoriously late simply set their clocks ahead fifteen minutes?

If you live in a nudist colony, where do you keep your house keys? Driver's license/Debit card? Ewww.

If someone 'defriends' you on Facebook and you notice it, should you still say "hey" in the Piggly Wiggly?

If blood is red, why are veins blue?

Why are RedBull cans blue?

If red has so much trouble in veins and RedBull, why does he always want to paint the red door black?

Why do men have nipples?

Why is it called The World Series when all the teams are in North America?

When one takes a selfie, who says "cheese"?

If you took a hummingbird and a hummingbird feeder into your car... Would it 'fly in place' and bash it's head on the rear window when you took off?

When people who normally start a sentence with "I mean....." happen to start one without adding that, should we believe what they're saying?

Should it be a tort to have 21 items in the Express Lane at WalMart?

If you plagiarize in a blog, will you go to hell?

At exactly what age does getting carded move from being a bother to a delight?

What's the average temp in hell in January?

When the first Dutch, French, Spanish immigrants came to the US in the 1600's, were they forced to "Press 1 for English?"

Happy day....... love, Victurd

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