Friday, November 21, 2014

Have you ever noticed?

Those that smile.

I am immersed in those that smile so... Years and years of being able to open my eyes daily, also tells me these people have wonderfully good hearts.

I, like many, find myself (certainly at times) in the dregs of "I don't wanna go to work today... I hate Mondays.. Come on 5 o'clock... It really sucks the funds are so low... WHY ME? This ALWAYS happens to ME!.." Paddling life upstream. Pity, as in self.

Not the smilers. Nuh uh. You can't tell if they've got a migraine... if their rent check just bounced.. if the love of their life is now the love of someone else's life... or if they're simply just having a really crappy day.

For many, many years - I've preferred to live life in the background. Heck, when I did/do talk, people say "Huh?" cause my voice is so goofily soft. No longer though. My all-time favorite boss (an Elementary Principal where I taught) offered out "catch 'em being good." I liked that, I really liked that. Doesn't have to apply to children only though.

The other day, a smiler walked by me. From my spot in the background, I've watched this person walk by some 4,376 times - and each and every time, with smile. On this, the 4,377th time, I emailed this person. "Just wanted to let you know, I really think you have a great take on life, and I really think it's cool you always, ALWAYS offer your smile to others. You must have had really good role models growing up."

This person emailed back "That may be the nicest compliment anyone has ever given me." (And this isn't why I write, anyone can wing a compliment, not everyone can 'earn' them).. Continuing "My ex left me when I was pregnant with our 3rd child. Never a penny of child support. My kids lived on mac and cheese, no milk, because it's all I could afford. My grandparents were my role models, and you're right, I remember them smiling all the time. My sister married a millionaire and is never happy - me, I guess I'm just happy for what I have, even at times when it isn't much. I always wanted to go to college but could never afford.. well, I finally got remarried, went back to college, and now I have my degree."

Wow. Far out. Smile out.

I have friends who,it's pretty obvious, live with physical difficulties.. you see struggle, hurt, and most assuredly (on the inside) have to wonder WHY ME? You could never tell on the outside. They smile. Lots. Often. Mostly without impetus.

Another thing I've noticed. A smile generally brings one back in the other direction. What better?

Stealing a few:

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss.

"Peace begins with a smile.." Mother Teresa.

"If you only have one smile in you, give it to the people you love. Don't be surly at home, then go out in the street and start grinning 'Good morning' to total strangers." Maya Angelou.

"You'll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just smile." Charles Chaplin.

That's about it. I guess we should smile. It's inexpensive. It isn't nearly as difficult as a jumping jack. It seems to 'talk.' It makes an impression on depression, both in giving and receiving. Seems people that give smiles are also givers. Seems there's some kind of connection between the heart and a smile.

When it's least expected, you're elected, it's your lucky day......... smile

Love, Victurd.

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