Saturday, January 04, 2014

A year...

Nothing is perfect. Recently, on Golf's Champion Tour, our Kansas Citian Tommy Watson registered a hole in one. A reporter asked him about it after - and hinted of 'luck'. Watson acknowledged, "sure, there's luck involved, but it was where I was aiming."

2013 is in the rear view mirror. It wasn't perfect, never is, but hopefully our aim was. The year taught me (again) I am human. I made some stupid errors - even damaged a friendship because words exited before the thought process reached the brain.

After hours, days, weeks in shame, I Googled "Don't beat yourself up", and am thankful for whoever in the hell invented the internet - and the answer/suggestion for virtually every problem, need, sickness remedy, recipe, how to put an alternator on a '95 Lebaron, etc, etc.

I'm thankful for the upbeat daily postings on Facebook from a guy I graduated with, a gal in Kearney I barely know, the daily biblical verses by a fraternity brother, and so many more.

I'm thankful for the quick postings of inappropriate (but fun/funny) humor from a former co-worker. I'm thankful for people simply asking for prayers - and hope for those that are unable to bring themselves to that - the knowledge that people do care, and many are in the same boat.

I'm thankful FB allows me to share in the fun, travels, hobbies, family events - anniversaries - birthdays, woes, venting, humor, and yes, even the political views of friends here.

Old age, too many damn jobs, six years to complete my four year degree, 52 years of athletics - and a lifetime of touches have blessed me with tons of friends not only on FB, but 'real life' as well. (Thank you to all for your patience on the millions of pictures of my grandkids that I'm 'tagged' in as well.)

I'm thankful for the fervor for sport's teams, the ups/downs within, and of course the banter back and forth over the fence. I'm thankful that those that could care less about sports - whet their fervor appetite here, be it in bread making, knitting, old cars, the blues, astronomy, economics, music, yada.

I'm thankful for the old Liberty group - and it's assistance in keeping yesterday here today.

I'm thankful to catch up with family here. As we spread throughout the US, dwindle in numbers, multiply in numbers - every 'like' really represents 'love.'

It's kinda fun to peek at the number of mutual friends - and to wonder what the view is from your fingers on the FB keyboard - and the hope that you too enjoy as I do. Sandbox, we all had 'em, and there is nothing better than sharing life, observing other's lives, leading our own - in numbers. Life as a single piece of cloth: boring, monotonous. Woven with others, so much more vibrant, strong, comforting, peaceful.

I'll go now, 2014 beckons. The Good Lord willing, I hope for good health for all, and the aim for perfection - and the knowledge "hey, it's ok" if perfection doesn't happen.

Happy New Year, to each his/her own, intermingled. Victurd.


Uncle Bub said...

I'm thankful for friends like you

Tedra Parker said...

Queen Kendra was correct. You are a keen eyed and quiet humored writer. I enjoyed your blog.