Monday, August 08, 2011

The scales…

Another word that’s been running thru my head (scary thought eh?) of late: balance…

Before ever opening a word document and spilling letters on it, I always try to take a look see so I’ll make sure I kinda know whatinthehell I’m talking about. So……. I go to Google.. type “define balance” and lo and behold ‘bout the 8th definition down “The zodiacal sign or constellation Libra.” Yes.. I am that.. (Libra… not balanced)..

Driving home this morn from my unbalanced Mickey meal..”I’d like a sausage biscuit, sausage McMuffin (yummy), a Senior coffee, and a water please”.. driving home… one fresh day from watching my 7 month old granddaughter bootscoot across the carpet to the comfy chair… slither her way up to her two feet… dad running over semi-frantically with two hands out to stop a fall – it came to me.

Life is all about balance. We enter this world, and leave this world, struggling with physical balance – and alst the while in between- nearly EVERYTHING is about balance.

Balance the check book, finances, investments (the hell is that?).… stability (balance) of one’s mind, feelings.. harmony of design or proportion… hell, even sound needs balance.

Work/play. Organizational charts, hirings, terminations, promotions, demotions, comptrollers, receivables, payables... Balance.

Pro sports. A draft is held to offset (balance) the few that perhaps are aging, stills declining.

He can’t cook, she abhors yardwork: jualah, green grass and ham.

Farmers/crops.. need the balance of sun, rain, wind, dark, proper temps. Wine is all about balance. Some whine to balance. Some find having alone-time is a balancer..

To balance criminals, killers, no goods.. we have preachers, priests, doctors/nurse practitioners/paramedics who bring folks back to life. For every loud, incessant person, there’s the shy one over in the corner. For every ‘looker’, there’s a ah-not-so-much.

Good folks, not-so-good folks. Believers, non-believers. Chuch attendees, and those that worship from their homeplace. Revival once.. Preacher had 'em stirred up, a heightened frenzy.. feller in the 3rd row stands.. "Fill me Lord, fill me." Happens again and again. "FILL ME LORD, FILL ME!".. after about the 6th "fill me", little old lady in the back (neighbor across the street) stands and shouts "DON'T DO IT LORD.... HE LEAKS!".

The echo system. Survival of the fittest. Balance.

Have an idea? A plan? A belief? Throw it out amongst friends, family, coworkers – nab the balance of their thoughts. Balance is educational.

I don’t balance my time very well – but, I offset (balance) that by “eh, it’s who I presently am in life, and where I’m at.” I’ll do it (be more balanced)………. tomorrow. 2 in a relationship (cog/wheel) lends balance, adding another cog or wheel, don't work, lends one to be 1, unbalanced. 2 in a relationship, losing 1 forever, really throws things out of balance..

We sleep for balance.

Off balance. Beginning way back in the day, with Candid Camera, and running thru America’s Funniest videos – we’ve laughed, hooted, hollered and cried about the balance, lack thereof, of others. Onea the funniest emails I think I’ve received was bloopers of ‘seniors’ losing their balance upon various scenarios.

He’s off kilter, “out there”, unbalanced. Took a date to Ponaks one time, little gal. Two margaritas later, the waitresses had to help her with her balance on return from the john back to our table.

There is never perfection. We all struggle with balance. Marriage, self worth, self confidence, inter-relationships, work, play, abilities, inabilities and having the ability to realize “ok, that’s something I’m just never going to be any good at”.. a balanced approach/thought/realization.

Pills, innoculations, elixers, potions, diet, weightlifting, running, jogging, walking - all about seeking balance.

We vacation, to gain semblance of balance. We work so we can balance the bills the mailman delivers, or those that pop into our dot-coms. We bathe to balance a day’s activities. We call, write, talk, to balance our need for human interaction.

For sexual drive we…….. well… you know. Balance is both wonderful, and a struggle – personifying the definition of the word.

To offset this, tune in tomorrow when the topic will be poop. Just kidding. I wouldn’t chit you.. you’re my favorite turd. Love, Victurd.

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