Monday, March 02, 2009

Tell it all brother, before we fall

Tell it all brothers and sisters
Tell it all.

Tell what? A few emails "the hell you been?... why ain't you writing... hope your
outta mourning soon!"

How much you're holding back on me
When you say you're giving all?

Kenny, honest, I ain't holding back nuttin. Oh hell, I'd like outta my house.
My son's gotta car now (THANK YOU WHATSHERNAME, you have no idea how liberalized
I feel now!

And in the dungeons of your mind
Who you got chained to the wall?

Ahm, no one. Notta bad idea though. This internet dating sucks. Mebbe we're
onta something here. Just find me ones with a wonderful booty and an infectious
smile (Two TREMENDOUSLY big things with me... sorry... I be a bonified piggy...
and then I chain her to the wall. Not yeah but hells yeah. GOOD IDEA!)

Tell it all brother, before we fall
Tell it all brothers and sisters
Tell it all.

Nah. We all have our secrets. Even those that know us best have no friggin
idea what runs thru our brain. To me, just onea the lil' bitty things that
makes this world here so special.

Did you plant your feet on higher ground
To avoid life's mud and stone?

No. But son came home one night and said "dad, the car won't go in park." So, for
about three years I hadta date me nothing but women that lived on flat ground.
Do you have any idea how harda question THAT is to get around to?

Did you ever kick a good man
When he was down, just to make yourself feel strong?

No. But. Close your ears. I usedta coach 8th grade football. We had'a kid
that had the body of a 20-something. Big. Strong. But this guy was the
biggest wimp ever. Finally one night, the head coach (not me, the head coach)
said "DAMNIT JOE, GO HOME AND KICK YOUR DOG TONIGHT"... We get ready for practice
the next day. Joe taps coach on the shoulder.. "Coach... I did it.. I kicked
my dog."

Tell it all brother, before we fall
Tell it all brothers and sisters
Tell it all.

There's really nothing new in my world to tell.. In mourning? No. Just figure
why bore folks when boring has been happening. Needs me a life jolt.

Tomorrow just might be too late
Now is the time
To get your jumbled mind straight
And seek a new design.

Amen brother Ben. I hear that one. I've gots to get these blinders of "same
ole same ole" off and finds me a new design. Preferably one with a nice booty,
and a tremendously infectious smile. Did we already say that?

Did you ever walk for a crippled man
Pretending you were lame?

No, but considered parking in handicap space and telling niece to "limp in."

And what made you think one feeble hand to God
Was gonna make him call your name?

I know. Honest, I've been threatening to go to church. Lord, forgive me.
It's kinda like being too gosh darn white, afraida dancing. I just have this
silly feeling all eyes would be on me." Ohhhhhh, HE'S HERE.

Tell it all brother and sisters
Tell, Tell it all
Tell it all brother, before we fall
Tell it all brothers and sisters, tell
Tell it all brother, before we fall
Tell it all...

Honest, I gots nothing to tell. Damn near did fall yesterday though. Mother Nature
sometimes I hates ur guts. Perfectly good birthday party I was attending. Slipped
on the porch, perfectly good bottle'a "Hot Damn" flew outta my hand. Kerplunk on the
(thankfully) wooden front porch. "Ahhh, not broken... THANK YOU!"..

"Victor? The hell's all that racket?" Oh nothing. Nothing at all. I have nothing
to tell brother and sisters... before I fall."

There. There, I blogged. See? Toldya! Sucked.

Tune in tomorrow. Might do Spinning Wheel. Tell it all. Love, Victurd.

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