Thursday, March 05, 2009

Dots the way, uh huh uh huh, I like it...

The dot.

This world we live in. Dots count. All of us.

Dot is a pretty unique word. It's a tiny round mark mad by or as if by a pointed instrument: a spot. The letter'i' would play hell and look like an 'L' with no dot.

It's the basic unit of composition for an image produced by a device that prints text or graphics on paper. "A resolution of 900 dots per inch." Even though we're urged to go paperless, dots matter, rock.

A dot is a tiny amount. The island was just a dot in the sea.

Of course, Morse Code, dot was critical. Whilst we're losing those in our lives that can relate to Morse Code, thinka where we'd be without them.

In math, it's a decimal point.

Also can be used as a multiplier: 2 dot (.) 4 = 8.

To mark with a dot. You know, like in India.

To cover with or as if with dots.. .like... Camfires, like red, peculiar blossoms, dotted the night.

Or, mebbe, "be there biotch" (jk)... Like "meet you at 9 o'clock on the dot.

Recently, in my niece's hometown, I visited their WalMart. I was very definately a dot. Packed aisles. People of all different races, cultures, socio-economics.. dress. age.. Dots. We were all dots. I felt kinda unimportant. Kinda lost.
'Dots not good".

Driving to work every day. I picture the helicopter TV traffic guy peering down.. dots.. allover.. From up there, hard to tell race, socio economic, Lexus/1998 Pontiac... all just dots.

I have a little bit different approach to the dot thinking. A dot is a dot, BUT, I think dots can be unique, different, make a difference. Like the "resolution of 900 dots per inch" the dot can surface in teamwork, in a business, amongst coworkers. Common cause.

Contrary to the TV Traffic dudes view, we dot can be unique. Some dots are quiet. Some dots bitch and moan. Some dots choose 'happy'. Dats my dot choice. Oh sure, I've been beset by all kindsa crude past/prior dot-shit.. but.. I wake up, think "thanks Lord.. anudder day.. for anudder dot".. Life ain't perfect, but, it's what we make of it, I guess.

There's sucha diversity of us dots. Some, ya simply wanna steer clear from. Ya give 'em a chance, and annuder.. finally you say "dots enough... ain't going here again."... Some, you wanna throw your arms around and hug, and think "hey, I loveya, let's make pixels together (or whateverinthehell the call that resolution crap.).. There are richer dots, poorer dots, pretty dots, not-so-pretty dots, dots that trust/care, dot that are uninterested.. selfish dots.. uppity dots.. self-depricating dots.. not-too-intelligent dots.. gorgeous/handsome unapproachible dots.. drunk dots.. religious dots.. mild dots.. wild dots.. lonely dots.. introverted dots.. extroverted dots.. overbearing dots.. understimulating dots...

All kindsa dots..

Dots are miniscule in comparison to everything else, yet we play large. We shape today, tomorrow. We set the tone for "good day"/"bad day." Dots a choice.

I really don't know whereinthehell I'm going with this. Guess I simply wanted to relate dots are small, yet play large in our existence. We couldn't make it without other dots. Some dots are funny as hell, some dots are mundane. I guess for every pyramid you make outta ten people, there's one dot at the top that grabs all the attention, and four on the base that are the backbone.. three just above that care up and down.. a couple that worry about the prestigious top dot.. Just kinda matters where we are in life I guess.

Dots the way, uh huh uh huh, I like it. I feel so insignificant, so lost, yet upon occasion so adjoined.

It's a dot com world. (Remember Dots from the theater as a kid? Ya gobbled them down the first ten minutes of the movie, then spen the next two hours trying to get that gooey crap outta your teeth...

Dots rock. Dots are consternation. Dot the way, uh huh uh huh, I like it. Love, VicturdDotCom...

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