Friday, January 20, 2017

Android interruptus

So… there I was counting sheep…. I hear “Press 1 for English”…Dang!... Soon after, a pop-up ad from Geico telling me how much I could save.. rolled over… an amber alert… about to snooze when some GD (gosh darn) insomniac friend commented on a FB post.. pulled the blankets back that the dog had somehow pulled offa me.…

My phone provider texts me reminding me my automatic withdrawal is tomorrow, or hell, coulda been today, I ain’t sure what time it is… NO, I don’t wanna play Candy Crush.. I’ll try sleeping on my back now… eh, some foreigner emails needing help to move millions of dollars from his homeland - promises me a hefty percentage.

How’d we leave the light on in the living room?... a 3:34am email from Amazon expressing thanks and asking if I’d take a survey… Hey, I won a $100 gift card from Sam’s Club…

Weather alert? At 4:43am?.. One of my gf’s Hawaii friends texts.. musta been alcohol and forgotten what time it is here… Surely I’ll get an hour in… Damnit, the coffee is starting.. my reminder thingy goes off, I’ve gotta finish packing, run by the bank, yada…

There. I’m asleep! Uh oh. Dog, like clockwork, licking my face at 5:45am needing to go pee… My alarm goes off.. I snooze it.. it goes off again.. I find a bag of rice, grab a Ziploc, put my phone in it and toss it in the stool. Time to shower.

Thanks goodness I can take a nap at my desk at work.

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