Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Facebook, a Liqueur...

Ever strum thru your friend list and think "Oh yeah.. I remember him/her... wonder how they're doing, haven't seen or heard for quite awhile. To equate alcohol to Facebook, this person would be "not much of a drinker".. Family gatherings, a wedding toast.. He/She is quite comfortable without drink/Facebook no matter where he/she is.

The complete non-drinker/Facebooker. This person "never touches the stuff", so, you'll never see 'em on FB. Certainly one's prerogative.

The Social Facebooker/drinker. Their choice as to the 'when.' Could be once a month bunko, monthly fraternity-sorority/coworker/HS-college friend meeting.. A time or two a month.

The pressured drinker/FBe'r.. "only to keep an eye on my kid(s), parent(s), coworker(s), good friend(s)... Doesn't really like drinking/FB, but kinda feels pressure to join in.

The Daily Drinker/FB'er.. Perhaps not thought to be dependent, there's that pull to check in every day to 'keep up.

The Binge Drinker/Faceooker... Gone for awhile, back for awhile, gone for awhile, back for awhile.

The Compulsive Drinker/FB'er.. need or strong desire. You know the type, ya get sick and tired of their Candy Crush invites, Record Slot Machine winnings, or their Blog forced down your throat.

The Addicted Drinker/Facebooker. Sometimes 6 consecutive posts before you surface to the water of a different person. We're kept in touch with how cold it is, where it's raining, how mean an unsaid relative/friend was, what body part is hurting (and how many hours of no sleep that led to) and an unlimited list of (will never happen) wants.

I ain't real sure where I fit in. I do admittedly peruse quite frequently. Sorry to steal Chumbawamba, but some days are I GET KNOCKED DOWN (PLEASE no more left/right Political rants) BUT I GET UP AGAIN (there can be some invigorating, motivating, tear-bringing, FUNNY stuff)..

Today, I'm having one of those "I could care less" days. More important goings on.. Tomorrow is another day, so I reckon I'll decide on one token sip of wine, or a 12 pack of Milwaukee's Best Ice". Happy drinking/Facebooking Cliffy, Norm, Otis, whatever is pleasing to your pallet. Love, VIcturd.

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