Saturday, May 17, 2014

Living.... not dying... Your grade?

Someone posted a very interesting article written by someone who worked very closely with folks who were dying. There was a 'title' for her position - but now I can't find it.

Anyways, there were 5 common threads/regrets that ran true in those she cared for:

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

You? Selfishly, I think I now do this since I'm divorced. There is less sacrifice in being single - but, it certainly (to me anyways) doesn't outweigh being in a relationship. I've always been kind of a rebel - sometimes I do things I regret - but happy to say, for the most part I could care less of people's expectations of me/my behavior (family excluded).

2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.

You? I bitch/moan, but I love working. My job is very seasonal, and in the summer I never get both days of the weekend off. I do regret that, but, the corner to retirement is ahead - and I dream of mowing grass on a golf course in exchange for allowing me to shoot my normal 107 (for free). I saw something once that said "Have work at fun", and that's a model I try to remember/live by. I write all this crap about me, but, it's for anyone - these questions. The article maybe teaches us to wake up before we go to sleep.

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

B- here. I've heard of families that never utter the "L word". I find that sad. The older I get, the easier this (expressing my feelings) is to me. Expressing feelings is like making footprints in the sand of life. How boring if the sand were perfect after we walk on it. Sometimes I get myself in trouble here - but I really mouth off (or back at) whenever I observe holier-than-thou behavior. I wake up in the morning, look at Facebook and think "Oh man, did I really write that?" - yes, is the answer, perhaps I should be embarrassed - but better thought a fool I guess than someone thinking "all that's up there is cobwebs."

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

C- here. Longtime townie friends, yes.. past coworkers, college chums, sometimes even family - could very much do better. You?

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

I'm an A- on the outside, and perhaps a C-, D+ on the inside. I, like many I'm sure, beat myself up a bit. Thankfully, aging helps reverse this process. So, if you're a pup, reading this - relax. Like yourself. You are the most important person in your life.

I've not thought a lot about death. You? Oh, I've considered getting a size 10 type tattoo "somewhere down there" that says "morticians suck" - eh, why not go down makin' 'em laugh? Cremation, ashes scattered about at the City Park in Liberty.

I do look at my grandchildren and try to predict how long I'll get to see them. Helps (me anyways) keep things in perspective. Living is like whittling, kinda. We certainly have those "oh shit" moments we can never take back - but then again, hopefully along the way we've created something others will like.

Do you ever stop along the path and consider these five things? Do you literally act upon them? Kudos to you if so. They're pretty deep, but life is as well.

Our high school graduating class recently lost three fine people in a month - and it does make one stop and think. Reading the 5 things above - is kinda like a 401K. "Man, I wished I woulda started all that at age 20" - but - starting at any age is a very good thing.

What/who are you gonna be before you die?

Love, Victurd

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm Looks familar - love your answers